Monday, January 11, 2010

A Perfectly Modern Hotel- NYLO Review

I love staying in hotels, I really do. I think if I had someone who would pack and unpack for me I could live going from hotel to hotel. Only if they are nice hotels that is.

A few weeks ago my husband and I were celebrating our 5th anniversary and in the interest of saving money and staying close to our baby, we decided to stay at NYLO hotel in Plano. You know me, and I love modern design, so the web site alone sold me on this place.

Here's the outside. Modern but not overly cold modern.

I was in love when I stepped in the lobby. Concrete. Yea.

The tree is nice too. I have always wanted a white tree... and a green tree and a silver tree....

Here's a view looking through the lobby. This is considered a botique budget hotel. Our room was about $65. There is no valet, no room service, no minibar, no bellhop. We didn't miss it.

Our room. This is the closet. Just a rod and a curtain and this cute shelf.

Here's the bedside table. Clear acrylic with a radio. My iphone is already plugged in!
(sorry, pictures are out of order)

These are the lights on each side of the bed. I would put this in my house.

Cute desk, cute chair.
I love the details. This is a floor lamp beside the loveseat. All the furniture looks like it was custom made for this hotel. It probably was.
Ceiling- concrete with exposed sprinkler pipes. I so want to be the designer for this hotel.
Carpet squares as a rug on the concrete floor. I think they copied me- we have this all over our house. Whew, I feel cool now! If you are curious- these are from Interface Flor. The tan one is called Soft Sisal.
A big TV that we could pull out over our bed. We watched a movie. I say, if you are going to have a TV, make it big and able to position over the bed. Here's a view sitting on the bed looking at the door. The glass on the right is the shower. Don't worry, you can't see through it.
Looking into the shower.
Awesome sink, lights, mirror- do I need to go on?
And the toilet. Nothing amazing here.
A sliding door for the bathroom. I have been wanting to do this in our bathroom for soooooo long.
Look, our own private coffee maker. I had fun making tea with this. They give you a free water bottle too. Seriously- it was free!
The view looking at the bed. The curtains on each side are decorative... there's only concrete behind them. So yes, it's a small room. We didn't need a big room though. If you want your family of 5 to stay here, might not be the place. But, if you need a good place for a getaway or a business hotel- this is it!
Here's the cute loveseat. See the concrete walls. Someday I will have a concrete house. Someday when I win the lottery.



  1. I love staying in hotels. Modern is really not my style, but I can still appreciate it for a night or two. Thanks for visiting my blog & leaving me a comment.

  2. Levi stayed in something similar last weekend but I don't know if it's the same company. I'll have to remember this if we can ever plan our weekend get away.

  3. Are you for real? You are a real interior designer and YOU liked the kitchen...I gitty :). Honored by your visit!
